Liang Barsky Line Clipping Algorithm In Computer Graphics

Liang Barsky Algorithm

liang barsky algorithm,liang barsky line clipping algorithm,liang barsky algorithm in computer graphics,liang barsky line clipping algorithm in computer graphics
Image Source - Google | Image By - pracspedia
• Parametric equation of line is given by,

x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * u

y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * u

Where, 0 <= u <= 1

x2 - x1 = delta x 

y2 - y1 = delta y

Replacing this values in equation,

x = x1 + u * delta x

y = y1 + u * delta y

• The point clipping condition can be written in parametric form as,

xwmin <= x1 + delta x * u <= xwmax

ywmin <= y1 + delta y * u <= ywmax

• Each of this 4 inequality is represented as,

u * pk <= qk, k = 1, 2, 3, 4


p1 = - delta x, q1 = x1 - xwmin

p2 = delta x, q2 = xwmax - x1

p3 = - delta y, q3 = y1 - ywmin

p4 = delta y, q4 = ywmax - y1

• Any line i.e parallel to one of the clipping boundry has pk = 0.

• If for that value of k, we get qk < 0 then line is completely outside the window & can be eliminated if qk >= 0, the line is parallel to the window.

• When pk < 0 the line is from outside to inside if pk > 0, the line is from inside to outside for non - zero value of pk, we can calculate u = qk / pk.

• For each line we calculate u1 & u2,

The value of u1 is determinded for the line which proceeds from outside to inside p < 0, for this we calculate rk = qk / pk.

• The value of u1 is taken as the largest of the r value.

• Conversely, the value of u2 is determined for the line which proceeds from inside to outside (p > 0).

• Again Rk is calculated and u2 is the minimum of r value.

• If u1 > u2, the line is completely outside & rejected otherwise endpoints are calculated using parameter u.

• Initialize u1 & u2 to 0 and 1 respectively.

• For each boundry calculate p & q, if p < 0.

• R is used to update otherwise if p > 0, r is used to update u2 if updating u1 & u2 results in u1 > u2.

• We reject the line otherwise we update u.

• If p = 0 & q < 0, we discard the line since it is parallel & outside the window.

• The endpoints are calculated using parameter u1 & u2.

Clipline (x1, y1, x2, y2, xwmin, xwmax, ywmin, ywmax)


u1 = 0.0, u2 = 1.0

dx = x2 - x1 ,dy = y2 - y1

if (cliptest (-dx, x1 - xwmin, u1, u2))


if (cliptest (dx, xwmax - x1, u1, u2))


if (cliptest (-dy, y1 - ywmin, u1, u2))


if (cliptest (dy, ywmin - y1, u1, u2))


if (u2 < 1.0)


x2 = x1 + u2 * dx

y2 = y1 + u2 * dy


if (u1 > 0.0)


x1 = x1 + u1 * dx

y1 = y1 + u1 * dy


bresenham (round (x1), round (y1), round (x2), round (y2))





Cliptest (p, q, u1, u2)


retvalue = true

if (p < 0)


r = q / p

if (r > u2)


retvalue = false


if (r > u1)

u1 = r


else if (p > 0)


r = q / p

if (r < u1)


retvalue  = false

else if (r < u2)

u2  = r




if (q < 0)

retvalue  = false


return (retvalue);


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