Tile Item Finder


tile item finder,tile item finder review,tile item finder,tile mate item finder
Image Source - Google | Image By - 9to5mac
• The company Tile was founded in December 2012 and its headquarters are located in San Mateo, California.

• In September 2015, Tile launched Generation 2 hardware which included find-your-phone-functionality and other feature upgrades and by 2016, they (Tile Company) was able to sell over 4.5 million units.

• In 2017, two new versions of Tile were launched and they were Tile Sport and Tile Style.

• In 2019, Tile lined up it’s production to another level by adding Pro, Slim, Mate and Sticker.


• ‘Tile Mate Item Finder’ from its name itself clarifies that it is used to find the something. To be more precise, it is used to find belongings, small objects, keys, backpacks, etc. which are worthy. 

• This product is developed by an American consumer electronic company named Tile.


• Every device of Tile works on the basis of connectivity between the paired mobile and the model (Pro, Slim, Style, Mate, Sport or Sticker) of it. 

• The selected device works with the companion mobile application for Android or iOS. 

• It will allow a user to locate and fine the lost items by whether connecting the with Bluetooth or from the location where they were last seen.

Types of Tile Item Finder

• Every type of Tile Item Finder is of unique shape and size and also has different type of connectivity directions. 

• Even the Bluetooth range differs according to every model. 

1. Tile Sport 

2. Tile Style 

3. Tile Pro – The high-performance finder 

4. Tile Mate – The versatile finder for everyday things 

5. Tile Sticker –The small and stickable finder 

6. Tile Slim – The sleekest finder

Featured or Advantages 

1) Light Weight 

2) Fully compatible with Android and iOS devices 

3) Availability of different models for different purposes 

4) Fully secure as the company doesn’t sell any user data 

5) Compatibility Application has free features like ring my tile, find my phone, see its location on a map, share with a friend and community find 

6) Availability of GPS trackers 

7) Real-time tracking 

8) Less power consumption 

9) Availability of modernized features like Smart Alerts, 30 day location history, unlimited sharing and free battery replacements in the Premium Version


• The price of Tile Item Finder differs from Rs. 2,500 to Rs. 7,999 INR on the basis of the features, models and quantity.

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