Microsoft HoloLens

History and Introduction

• The Microsoft HoloLens is a Microsoft product and it is a mixture of reality based smart glasses. 

• This product belongs to the Windows 10 product family. 

• Its initial development edition was released on march 30, 2016 which was edition 1 of the HoloLens. The announcement of edition 2 was done on may 1, 2019. 

• The consumer version is not made available till now.


• The HoloLens works or we can say that runs Windows Mixed Reality platform under the Windows 10 computer operating system. 

• The HoloLens uses the tracking technology which can trace its lineage of Kinect which is an add-on for Microsoft’s Xbox gaming console and it was introduced in 2010. 

• It contains different applications like 

1. HoloStudio: It is a full-scale 3D modeling application of Microsoft and it has the compatibility of 3D printing. 

2. Holograms: This application contains the 3D objects that users can place or scale around them as it includes various objects. 

3. HoloTour: This application provides the virtual tourism which is three-dimensional and audiovisual. It is developed under Microsoft and Asobo Studio. 

4. Young Conker: It is basically a Microsoft developed platform game and it can be said that it is the younger version of Conker the Squirrel. 

5. Actiongram: It is an application which is used for recording short video clips of mixed-reality representations as it uses pre-made 3D virtual assets. 

6. RoboRaid: This is a game based on Augmented reality and it’s a first-person shooter game. 

7. Fragments: It is a high-tech crime thriller adventure game in which the player is engaged in solving crime theory. 

8. Cortana: Microsoft’s virtual assistant.

Other Applications 

1. A version of Mojang video game 

2. OnSight and SideKick which are the projects developed by Microsoft in collaboration with NASA. 

3. Architectural Design Engineering software design tools 

4. Extended functionality of the Autodesk Maya 

5. An interactive digital human anatomy curriculum 

6. Galaxy Explorer 

7. A spacecraft visualization application 

8. CAE VimedixAR

Technical Specifications 

1. Controller Input – Gestural commands 

2. Camera – 2.4 MP 

3. Platform – Windows 10 

4. Successor – HoloLens 2 

5. Display – 2.3-megapixel head mounted display 

6. Memory – 2 GB RAM and 1 GB HPU RAM 

7. Another name for HoloLens for development is ‘Project Baraboo


• The price of the Microsoft HoloLens is said to be $3,000 and for commercial version it is $5,000.

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