IOT Based Fitness Band


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Image Source - Google | Image By - hackerearth
• Currently, in the situation where one’s fitness plays an important role in achievement of every goal, the tracking of personal activity and diagnostics is a rapidly growing trend because nowadays people prefer to adopt different technologies to improvise their health.

• IOT based Fitness Band which is basically a fitness tracking device helps people to improvise their track over their own fitness via various systems loaded with different sensors which can sense activities of the human body and evaluate the health issues.


1. Monitoring steps (walked or run) 

2. Calories burned 

3. Quality of sleep (depending upon how much time did a person sleep and at what time)

4. Monitoring heart rate (by monitoring pulse rate) 

5. Set goals for weight loss and showing daily progress

• These watches basically work upon designed sensors which can sense different elements according to the dedicated work and evaluate the issues and results accordingly based on algorithms. 

• These devices are highly modernized and so it can also be known as ‘Smart Watch’.

• Algorithms which are used in these at bands/watches collect information from sensors and convert them into meaningful statistics.

Features or Advantages

1. Highly modernized technique for tracking health 

2. Availability of daily workout statistics 

3. Precise results while heart rates checking 

4. Connectivity between Android mobiles via Bluetooth which can help storing daily databases 

5. Friendly format so that laymen can use it without difficulty 

6. GPS based tracking system for running sensors 

7. Light weight 

8. Affordable price 

9. Waterproof model


1. German Forerunner – 2003 

2. Nike + iPod Fitness Tracking Kit – 2006 

3. FitBit Classic – 2009 

4. Pebble watch – 2013


• The price of the Fitness Bands may differ according to their versions and capabilities. It can be purchased within the price rate from Rs. 1,499 to Rs. 2,299 INR.

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  3. Thank you Kiara.. Keep loving..keep sharing... :)


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